
No1 9ja Blog

Thursday, March 08, 2018

The Accidental Spy, Alakada Reloaded… See The 10 Worst Films Of 2017

Only films that scored a cinema release were considered for this list.
  1. Alter Ego
But all of the daring, and the wild thoughts cannot conceal the problems with Ada Igwe, the lead character of Omotola Jalade Ekeinde’s come back vehicle. Ms Ekeinde puts a lot into it and Alter Ego is indeed better, and more watchable because of her, but even she cannot cover the supersize deficiencies with story and characterization.
  1. Celebrity Marriage
Everything about Celebrity Marriage is inexplicably set up to frustrate. The first culprit is the narrator, an unseen- thank goodness!- cloying presence who comes from the tradition of trashy blogs and whose presence possesses neither rhyme nor reason.To see Celebrity Marriage to its noisy, clattering, jumbled conclusion is to demonstrate almost superhuman levels of patience. Or self-flagellation.
  1. Deep Fever
Somewhere, buried in all the messiness that is the finished story, lies a story that could be thrilling if handled by people who know how to present an adult drama on infidelity and its repercussions. But the team behind Deep Fever obviously do not know enough to boil water. The screenplay is dialogue heavy and constantly ventures into ludicrous territory, both with the campy dialogue and with the unbelievable plot turns.
  1. Alakada Reloaded
The formula for Alakada Reloaded is simple really, it is a wonder it isn’t being replicated more frequently. Create a clichéd, instantly lovable, low brow character with endearing flaws, one that wears their ethnic bias proudly but can cross cultures to appeal to every kind of audience. Throw in a few good jokes, lots of bad ones. Plenty cameo appearances from questionable stars always help. Arrange some scenes that do not necessarily have to make sense or flow. Voila! We have a movie. Shame on us.
  1. Saving Dreams
Directed in an uninspiring, check-the-boxes style by Isioro Tokunbo Jaboro, Saving Dreams is really a straight to DVD effort that found its way to cinemas only because it was made outside the country. The producers had a limited budget available to them and it shows clearly on screen as the space is micromanaged such that the film which is set mostly in interiors and in a couple of public spaces begins to feel claustrophobic.
  1. The Guest
It feels at some point that two halves are joined from separate films and director Christian Olayinka squanders all of the good will earned by his likeable actors ab initio on a final act that is stagey, goes on forever and ends with a fizzle. The overstretched end alone discredits everything that has come before and even Rita Dominic falls flat on her face trying too hard to extend an uninspiring farce. It is a messy outing that has to be seen to be appreciated. It does neither Ms Dominic nor Femi Jacobs any service at all.
  1. Idahosa Trails
Idahosa Trails is a big bore. Nothing much happens and the pacing moves at a snail’s pace. The premise is fair enough but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Liz Benson and Patrick Doyle are cast as parents of baby Idahosa but their roles seem to have slashed beyond recognition, leaving a single early scene that does nothing for the film.The primary disappointment with Idahosa Trails may be that it ultimately fails to inspire any sort of emotion whatsoever, beyond basic blandness.
  1. Lost in London
Producer Uduak Isong Oguamanam and her collaborator Anthony Kehinde Joseph make a misbegotten attempt to plug their film into the present national mood, one that has seen thousands fleeing the country on account of economic hardship. Nothing wrong about this but Lost in London has nothing intelligent to comment upon or no new body of knowledge to add to the discourse. it merely rehashes old gags and tired tropes and doesn’t even bother to make them refreshing.
  1. Blood in the Lagoon
The plot is leaden and plods along so heavily such that at the end when Mr Benson and his writer conjure up some form of suspense from nowhere, it immediately falls flat. The so-called twist is visible from a mile away and the hasty resolution would be laughable if it weren’t so woefully rendered.To make matters worse, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde and Okey Uzoeshi fail to sell their romance and watching both of them emote in the absence of any form of chemistry has to rank down there as one of the most unconvincing movie moments of the year.
  1. The Accidental Spy
Where to start with The Accidental Spy, AY’s latest unfunny comedy? The incoherent, insensible plot? The unforgivably bad acting by everyone involved, but especially the Caucasian actors? The desperate lack of laughs? The laziness of the whole process? The needlessly lengthy scenes? Tacky product placement? It feels like a terrible scam asking people to leave their homes, volunteer their time and money to come and watch such… unseriousness.
Do you agree?

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