As-Salaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Islam.
This is a list of categories of people that visit the Mosque (or Islamic gatherings) during the month of Ramadan.
This article is bound to be educating, enlightening, informative and interesting.
See The list goes Below;
1. The Ramadan Muslims; These are the most populous set of people that visit the mosque during Ramadan. As the name implies, they only visit during Ramadan though a few of them attend Jumat service on Fridays. These set of people cut across all groups and facets of life. They also belong to any other group in this list.
2. The Food Hustlers; This group also has a large number of people. It consists mainly of children, teenagers, young adults and a few adults too. These ones always be the first to seek foods, fruits and other goodies shared in the Mosque during Iftar (breaking of fast). They are always punctual to Iftar gatherings and are front-row seaters. Most times, they do this gently and (not-so)secretly.
3. The charity givers; These people usually give charity to the needy, host Iftars and donate to mosque expenses. However, they would be judged based on their intentions. May Allah reward them abundantly.
4. The workers; These ones may not necessarily have a lot of money to donate but they make it up by gaining rewards from meritorious acts that they partake in. These acts include sweeping and or mopping the mosque, filling the kettles or pumping the water, cleaning the rack, dusting the SheIves and many others ensuring the mosque is clean and properly organized. May Allah reward them abundantly too. These acts above are judged according to intentions too.
5. The Qur’an readers; As the title implies, these group are Muslims that know how to read the Qur’an in Arabic as not all Muslims can do so. Most in this group read the Qur’an wisely while a few use every opportunity to read the Qur’an e.g while taking fruits, little break between Ishai and Taraweeh (night prayers), during Islamic sessions like Tafseer (explanation of the Qur’an by Islamic scholars) etc. Every free moment and that’s what they are doing probably because they want to meet a target. The Qur’an should be read patiently!!
NB: The act of reading the Qur’an is called ‘Tilawah’
6. The ‘Chanters’; These people are always with a rosary (long or short) or an electronic counter. They are always chanting an Islamic phrase or the other either by praising Allah, seeking or beseeching his assistance, favour and mercy or seeking blessings on the Prophet (S.A.W).
7. The Mu’taqif; A Mu’taqif is someone who dedicates a particular duration of his time in the Mosque performing any act of worship. It can be done at anytime of the year, but recommended for the last ten days of Ramadan to seek blessings on Laylatul Quadri (Night of Power) -see Qur’an 97-. Therefore, these people have been spending a lot of their time in the Mosque even before the last ten days.
8. The Aged; The old also come to the Mosque to seek rewards from Allah. They usually rest on pillars and walls especially during Taraweeh (Night prayers) or have permanent shops that they stay in the Mosque.
9. The Young ones; These are the kids that are not matured to pray, they are either shouting, crying, roaming the Mosque or disturbing other Mosque users.
10. The ‘Chargers’; Lol. I couldn’t find any better word. Due to the current low supply of electricity in the country and exorbitant fuel prices, they don’t have a choice than to use every opportunity to charge their devices. The moment or even before the generating set is switched on, they plug their devices, some even come to the Mosque regularly with an ‘extension box or wire’. This group ehn…..
Feel free to add yours. And Kindly share post.
Ramdan Mubaraq to everyone.
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